Erika Abels d'Albert was a painter, a graphic artist und a fashion designer. She was born in Berlin in 1896, lived and worked in Vienna until she relocated to Paris in the early thirties. In these 20 years of her Viennese creative period she took an active part in exhibition activities and the art market. Her works of art were favourably reviewed in journals. Erika Abels d'Albert was a self-confident woman. She gave herself the pseudonym d'Albert, worked in her own studio in the noble district of Vienna "Hietzing" and exposed solo or in groups together with her male colleagues.
Today Erika Abels d'Albert has nearly totally fallen into oblivion. She shares this fate with many people who had to emigrate because of economic and/or political reasons and had to live in another country. As a woman artist she has been more ignored by the male-dominated art history than she was by the coeval art scene. In our days it is the challenge of science to show posthumously the autonomous input of women for the development of art and to accord them the position in art history which they deserve.
This website tries to be the first step in this direction. The goal is to bring this woman artist back to mind and to create an interface for information about her.
© Barbara Karahan, 2010